On Thursday 23rd Reception children will be taking part in Elmer day, so they are invited to wear multicoloured clothes to school to celebrate 35 years of Elmer. We welcome the rest of the children to wear comfy clothes for Book Trust and can bring their favourite book to school, to share with their peers. £1.00 donations will be going to our charity of choice.
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Earlsdon Primary School

Dear Parents/ Carers


We are planning to be fully opened in September and are looking forward to welcoming the children into their new year groups. This will mean important changes to the school day. It will also mean that we need children, staff and parents to act in a very socially responsible manner to protect our community. Government guidance advocates the reopening of schools but also stresses that minimising the contact between children will offer public health benefits and reduce the network of possible direct transmission. When the children return to school in September, they will be working within class and year group ‘bubbles’. As such, we will need to limit interaction between year groups and prevent the sharing of classrooms and social spaces.



School will look and feel very different for the children. They will be working in new learning environments and there will be new expectations, as they will have access to limited areas of school, limited resources and short periods outdoors in a zoned area of the playground.  To support the children’s transition into their new year groups, we will be welcoming them back in smaller groups during the first few days in September. This will provide the opportunity for the children to get to know their new teacher and learn about the new rules and routines, as well as supporting their emotional needs. On Wednesday 2nd and Thursday 3rd September, the children will return to school in groups of fifteen before returning as a whole class on Friday 4th September. You will receive a further email to inform you of the specific transition arrangements for your child.


Start and end of the school day

In line with the latest government guidance, we will be staggering the start and finish times as this will help keep groups of children apart as they arrive and leave the premises. The approach to the drop off area will be marked to support social distancing. The children will enter school through the Y1 door where they will then follow the one-way system to their classroom. (The Year 2 children will enter school through the blue door at the front of the building.)

Parents must not enter the school building. Once you have dropped off your son/ daughter you will be asked to follow a one-way system around the school building, across the playground and then exit through the car park.

At the end of the day collection will also be staggered to support social distancing as outlined below:

Year 1 – Year 4

Parents should enter school through the main gate and approach the playground following the social distancing line markings. The children will be waiting in a socially distanced space on the playground. Please be as prompt as possible so we can ensure that all of the children are safely collected and to help us keep groups of children apart.

Year 5 & Year 6

To ensure that we are able to manage these very busy points within the school day as safely as possible, we would like to ask parents of year 5 and year 6 children not to enter the school site, but to meet their child in an agreed place close to the school building. The children will be escorted to the car park gate at the end of the school day and they will then walk to the agreed place to meet their adult.


Start and finish times are outlined below:


Year group:

Start of the day:

End of the day:

Year 1



Year 2



Year 3



Year 4



Year 5



Year 6





We recognise that these changes may be challenging for some families, however we would like to thank you in advance for your support in helping maintain social distancing on the school site and prevent children mixing during these busy times of the day. We would also like to request that families arrive within their designated time- not too early or too late. If you do arrive earlier to drop off or collect your child, please wait in the local area rather than on the school site.


School office

The school office will be open but to support social distancing, parents and children should refrain from using the main school entrance and entering the school building. Where possible we would ask that parents ring/email the school as opposed to presenting in person.  If you wish to return any paperwork to school, please post it in the secure black box on the wall by the main entrance.


What should my child bring to school?

All children should bring a filled water bottle to school – this should be taken home and cleaned each day. They should also bring their coat and a lunch box if required. School bags/ rucksacks will not be required at this time. The children will not be using their lockers or cloakroom areas at the beginning of the new school year, so please help us to ensure that classrooms are as clutter free as possible by sending less equipment into school with your child. Routines will be regularly reviewed and we will contact you when changes are made.



The school kitchen will be preparing lunch, which the children will collect from the canteen and eat in their classroom. We will assume that all of the Key Stage 1 children will have a school lunch, unless you inform us otherwise. If your child is in Key Stage 2, please email the office if you would like to order a school meal. If your child brings a packed lunch, please support us to maintain social distancing by ensuring your son/ daughter can independently open all of the items within their lunch box.



Following guidance, we have created an addendum to our behaviour policy that stresses the importance of following rules to maintain the safety of all children and adults. A copy of this is available on our website.


School uniform

We expect children to wear their school uniform and plain black school shoes. Please ensure that all items are clearly labelled. Sweatshirts and cardigans are regularly taken off and left around the school site - they can only be returned to the children if they are clearly labelled. You will receive further information about P.E kits in September.


If your child becomes unwell

If your child shows any of the key coronavirus symptoms, they must not attend school and parents should ensure that they are tested. If the outcome of the test is positive, the school must be informed.


We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your understanding and flexibility. We recognise that there are many new routines for families to adapt to, but we would also like to stress that precise details might change in response to situations that arise in school and in the community.

In addition to this information, we have attached a letter for parents from the Local Authority.


We look forward to seeing you all in September.


With best wishes


Mrs R Forde



Earlsdon Primary School Values

  • A culture is strong when people work with each other, not for themselves. Simon Sinek
  • In diversity there is beauty and there is strength. Maya Angelou
  • Come to the edge. We might fall. Come to the edge. It's too high! Come to the edge. And they came, and he pushed, and they flew. Christopher Iogne
  • Resilience comes from the Latin word 'resalire', which means springing back.
  • You cannot get through a single day without having an impact on the world around you. What you do makes a difference and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make. Jane Goodall