The school photographer will be at school on Tuesday 22nd and Wednesday 23rd October. Friday 25th October is a Teacher Day, school will be closed to pupils.
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Earlsdon Primary School

Earlsdon Primary ECO Team

Welcome to our new ECO page 


We have just been credited with our third ECO award! Thank you to our pupils and community for your continued support! 

It is evident that young people in your school are aware of environmental issues and passionate about protecting our planet. We loved seeing your uploaded examples of your various projects! Completing the Environmental Review allowed your Eco-Committee to recognise the positive changes that your school has already made and gain an appreciation of the future impacts that they can create. Your Environmental Review is packed with comments, and this is exactly what our team enjoys seeing. It’s clear that completing it provided your Eco-Committee with plenty of ideas for creating an impactful Action Plan. Your chosen projects in your Action Plan were based on children’s ideas and the areas they are most passionate about. This approach places them at the heart of your Eco-Schools work and will lead to increased engagement. We enjoyed reading about your plans to invite Severn Trent in to learn about water saving tips and how waste water is managed - this sounds like a great way to bring your school community together. Your Action Plan is varied and substantial, containing impactful activities for each of your 3 chosen Eco-Schools’ topics. The three curriculum examples provided are great examples of environmental education, they are practical and fun with a real-life context that is very relevant to pupils in your school. The curriculum examples provided impressively expand on the projects in your Action Plan, providing pupils with a deeper understanding of the eco-activities they are delivering. We loved reading about your allotment plot you have secured and your participation with Green Week. Staff members in your school have creatively included environmental issues in their teaching, your pupils are fortunate to have teachers who plan such exceptional learning opportunities for them. Your Eco-Committee have used a wide variety of methods to inform their school community about their work including Twitter - this shows they take pride in their achievements and are working hard to involve and educate all around them. We loved seeing your Eco-Board. It’s really visual and engaging and it’s great to see your Eco-Committee celebrated! Your greatest success is a brilliant achievement. The effort and funding you have secured for your allotment has been a huge success! It’s clearly something that pupils will be proud of and leaves a great legacy to build upon! We love your collaborative approach to creating an Eco-Code, this approach has allowed young people to take ownership and create a final code that will be treasured by everyone at your school! It was also wonderful to read you had supplemented your environmental learning with a field trip to Birmingham Botanical Gardens – the day sounded brilliant! It has been an absolute pleasure to read through your application, you are a wonderful ambassador for the Eco-Schools programme and we are delighted, without hesitation, to award you an Eco-Schools Green Flag with Merit.

Allotment produce, being shown at the Earlsdon show

Allotment BBQ

Rag Bag July 2024

Allotment harvesting!

We harvested red and white potatoes, redcurrants, blackcurrant, strawberries and beans, all taken back to school for Mr Kumar to use in our school kitchen. The potatoes will be used for Wednesdays roast dinner and the fruit for a compote. 

Also visit: to find out more about our Living Walls project. 

Primary Plot

The Primary Plot Logo Competition Winners had a fantastic morning up at the allotment working with Katie O on a special art project. We learnt how to blend acrylic paints to create shade and depth. 

Author Visit

The children really enjoyed listening to the story 'The Adventures of Lionel the Leaf' in assembly today written by local author Derek Eccleston.


Our ECO Code

Still image for this video

Rag Bag March 2024

Bee Friendly Leamington

Primary Plot tidy up

Severn Trent came to visit and teach us about our drains

Community Allotment

We are looking forward to seeing lots of families at our community allotment Open Morning on Saturday 27th January any time between 10am and 12pm. Please join us to look around, have a chat and a warm drink. You will be wel?come to do some gardening if you would like.

Primary Plot Logo Ideas

Water saving taps

We are thrilled to announce that we have managed to replace our taps across the school with new water saving taps. The old taps in the classroom have been replaced with new sensor taps and other taps have now been swapped to push taps. Another step to reducing our footprint! 

We are pleased to announce that our Rag Bag scheme is not only supporting charities but has raised £108 during the autumn term - thank you for your donations. 

Toys for Life

Thank you to everyone who donated to our Toys for Life charity, they were very grateful to the pupils and families for the toy donations. 

ECO Team 2023-2024

We are thrilled to announce that we have appointed our new ECO Team and gardening team to support our school in achieving our ECO award for 2024. We are also aiming to achieve our Blue Peter Green badges! 

ECO Team 2022-2023

Green Week 


From Years R-6, from bug hunting to litter picking in our community the children at Earlsdon School have embraced an exciting Green Week. This week we have dressed in green, had an no energy day (including our kitchen), have been planting at our local allotments, litter picking around our local community, visiting the woods with the SENA team, having a pop up library linked to plants and the outdoors and much more. It has been such a successful week for our pupils, and a huge thanks to our families for the donations of plants. Pop over to our gallery page for more photos of our week. 

Green Week

Green Week 

After the success of Green day last year, we are thrilled to be organising a Green week in school where we will be focussing on learning about how we can protect the environment and considering how we can improve our school. We are starting the week by inviting the children to come to school wearing anything green on Monday 15th May. The children could wear a full green outfit or just a green pair of socks, whatever they have available to them. We are not asking the children to make a monetary donation to come to school in non school uniform on 15th May, but instead would really appreciate donations of outdoor plants (flowering or edible) so that we can
refresh our sensory garden and school grounds. Thank you in advance for your support and generosity

Rag Bag Certificate


We are so excited to have achieved a Level 2 RHS School Gardening Award. Bring on the spring so we can get growing and planting!

Former Pupil, plants tree


Former pupil Charlie McCrum, a graduate at JCB, returned to Earlsdon Primary today to celebrate National Apprenticeship Week by planting a commutative tree @JCBmachines



A GRADUATE at digger giant JCB has quite literally gone back to their roots to celebrate National Apprenticeship Week.  

Charlie McCrum is one of 78 JCB apprentices who this week returned to their old school to plant a commemorative oak tree and talk to pupils about their education pathway to a prestigious apprenticeship. 

Charlie McCrum, 22, travelled from the JCB World Headquarters at Rocester, Staffordshire to visit Earlsdon Primary School and plant the tree which was grown on JCB’s own farming Estate at Wootton.  

The tree planting ceremonies are part of a series of events to mark National Apprenticeship Week, including high-profile business talks and open days. A total of 78 oak trees are being planted by JCB apprentices right across the UK, as far afield as Stirling in Scotland and Colwyn Bay in Wales, with each tree marking a year in business for JCB

since it was founded in 1945.  

STEM Partnership

We really enjoyed working with our STEM partner today, as part of our ongoing partnership project with the Royal Society. Children learnt more about the techniques and benefits of edible living walls and sowed lots of edible seeds ready to be planted out later in the spring

Local Community Project

The school ECO team have been busy support Bryn and the local council in their ideas and development of the finding that has been gifted to SENA for development of a greener living space around our school and within our local community, The children have been part of a panel of children completing questionnaires, speaking to pupils and gathering ideas and suggestions, these include: one way systems, woodland park areas, moving of bus stops to reduce bus fumes outside of school. The children will continue to support the council over the next few months with this project. 

ECO code

Our ECO Team have been very busy this half term, they have been collaborating to make our Earlsdon ECO code, they have designed their poster and are excited to share it with their classmates and peers. 

Big Schools Bird Watch


On Friday, our children joined with thousands of other schools taking part in the RSPB Big Schools' Birdwatch 2023. We counted which birds visited our school grounds in order to help the RSPB understand how UK birds are doing. Anybody wishing to
take part can sign up to the Big Garden Birdwatch; it’s free and takes place 27-
29th January


Rag Bag Certificate


A huge thank you to those who have donated to our 'Rag Bag' scheme, we have had our first collection and have raised £74.00 for as part of our recycling scheme and working towards our ECO award and sustainable living. For those who wish to donate our Rag Bag container is placed in the car park by the gates.



Energy Saving

Our ECO Team and Digital leaders have started working towards our next steps on our Environmental review. The children have been busy designing posters, putting them up in classrooms and have been spending time turning off unused lights and whiteboards around our school! 

Planting and watering our newly arrived tree saplings from Cheviot Trees

School Photographs 

This year you will notice that the school photography team that we have used for your son / daughter's school photos have been striving to do their bit for the environment. They have been on their ECO journey for three years and are pleased to announce that for every school visit, a tree gets planted! In addition, they have successfully removed all plastic waste from their products. Thank you for supporting us with this choice. 

Walk to School Challenge 


Our children are relishing the variety of ways to travel to school, many of which are parking and striding! You will notice that our scooter and bike racks are looking super full at the moment too, well done! 

Meeting the School Business Manager 

The ECO Team have had their first meeting with our School Business Manager and have been issued their lanyards and books. They have been thinking about ways to save energy and keep the cost of living down within our school. They have started to think of exciting ways to get all classes involved. 


Watch this space... 

Environmental Review


Our ECO Team have been busy completing our Environmental Review, they have been focusing on our next steps, areas for improvement, and acknowledging all of our efforts and progress last year! 

Walk to School Challenge


Next week we will be starting our walk to school challenge. The children are Earlsdon Primary School had an assembly from Ed this week who introduced the children to their Walk to School Challenge. By walking, riding or scooting to school once a week for one month will help a pupil win their badge. For those pupils who live further away and have to commute to school, parking further away and walking some of the distance also allows them to get their badge! We can't wait to see how we fair on the leaderboard against other schools! 

ECO Team 2021-2022

We have done it!

Congratulations to our pupils, staff and wider community who have helped us succeed in getting our Green Flag ECO award! 

Our curriculum, our innovative use of space, our work with the Commonwealth project, our Living Walls project work and much more has enabled us to secure our Green Flag award 2022!


ECO Squad and Green Team 


The Eco Squad and Green Team enjoyed a lovely morning at Lakeview Community Allotments (the ZEN) learning all about growing organic edibles using permaculture.

Green Day success 


Thank you so much for all the generous donations of plants, seeds, bulbs, pots and other amazing creations towards our sensory garden. We were overwhelmed by all the fantastic things made over the Easter holidays and can't wait to continue to enhance our front garden and sensory garden over the next few weeks, using our funding from GB Partnerships. The aim of sensory garden is to create an area of the playground that children can access to stimulate their senses and allow them to connect with nature. The area will also be used to grow lots of fruits and vegetables and hopefully our bee friendly plants will attract lots of bugs and bees to our garden, thank you to Joanne at Bee Friendly Kenilworth for talking to children in Y2 about the importance of pollinators and helping them plant wildflowers. Also, thank you to Bay 1tyres in Kenilworth for their kind donation and Mr Gascoyne for making the fantastic sens

Green Day 2022

We are thrilled to be hosting our very first 'Green Day' on April 29th. We will be welcoming children to wear green, donate a gift to our developing sustainable, sensory garden. Introduce the 'bottle top' competition that we will be taking part in and have been busy collecting bottle tops for, as well as our ECO team introducing a 'Design a bird house' competition and our ECO song. You will see attached some holiday homework for anyone who would like to participate. 

ECO Update

Our ECO Team have been very busy over the last term, they have been writing, making and designing their first assembly for the children and staff within our school. Here they will be introducing themselves and showcasing some of the wonderful things that they have been up to, they have also organised their very own bird house competition - watch this space for more information, and in addition will be helping to organise a Green Day later this Spring to raise funds for our outdoor, sustainable sensory garden. They have been very busy bees! 

New News... 

Over the last month the Junior Leadership Team has started recruiting its new members and some of the Year 6 children have already started their new roles. In addition, this year Earlsdon Primary School will be aiming to earn their ECO award. For the first time, the JLT has appointed their first ECO squad. Over recent weeks the ECO squad have been completing their baseline assessment for our school and have now formulated their action plan. During the course of the year we will be aiming to meet our actions; improve our schools bio-diversity, waste and litter within the school. The children would also like to organise a community litter pick in the New Year! We are very excited. In the short term, if anyone has any bug houses, bat boxes, bird houses or bird feeders that they would no longer like or would like to donate, they would be well received by our ECO team. Thank you.

Earlsdon Primary School Values

  • A culture is strong when people work with each other, not for themselves. Simon Sinek
  • In diversity there is beauty and there is strength. Maya Angelou
  • Come to the edge. We might fall. Come to the edge. It's too high! Come to the edge. And they came, and he pushed, and they flew. Christopher Iogne
  • Resilience comes from the Latin word 'resalire', which means springing back.
  • You cannot get through a single day without having an impact on the world around you. What you do makes a difference and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make. Jane Goodall