School is now closed for half term. School will reopen on Monday 4th November at 8.40am.
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Earlsdon Primary School

School Council

Welcome to our new School Council page. You will now notice that our School Council, JLT and ECO have all been allocated their own tabs and pages. 

School Council 



The School Council is an ideal opportunity for pupils to get more involved in the way the school is run. The School Council benefits the whole school, pupils and teachers, because it provides opportunities for pupils to communicate their feelings as well as influence decisions that are made.


Councilors develop skills such as confidence, communication and negotiation. It is the responsibility of each councilor to ensure that they express both their own views and the views of all the other pupils they represent. Members of the Council take part in discussions and votes and also feedback any relevant information to their class. At times they are requested to ask their class for ideas or take class votes relating to discussions by the Council.


School Council 2024-25

Harvest Donations

As part of our Harvest celebrations we will be collecting items for the warm welcome space in Earlsdon Library. The library is at the heart of our community and we would like to support them in helping people who appreciate a hot drink and a snack during the cold winter months. If you feel able to make a small donation, we will be collecting teabags, coffee, pot noodles, cuppa soups and individually wrapped biscuits from Monday 21st– Wednesday 23rd October; the children will deliver the donations to the library before half term. Thank you in advance for your generosity.

Congratulations to our new School Council members. The new classes have nominated and voted for their School Council representative, who has been issued with their log book, lanyard and are ready to take up their new role. A huge congratulations to our new councillors. 

School Council 2023-2024

We are thrilled to welcome our new School Council members to our team. They have been selected by their class members, for being honest, kind, respectful, for keeping to the school rules. They have been issued with their very important lanyards, badges and books. Congratulations on your new role within our school. 

Red Nose Day 

This year, as part of Red Nose Day, the School Council collected £181.28p for our local community library. A huge thank you to our pupils and families for their generous donations. 

Charity update

It is a very busy and expensive time of the year and we are aware that we are regularly
asking families to support school with donations, fundraising and events such as the book fair. With this in mind, we will not be fundraising for Children in Need in school but instead would like to encourage families to make their own donations if they feel able to.As the children have already had the opportunity to make a charity donation to buy a
poppy, we have decided not to sell Pudsey Bear merchandise in school this year. However, if your child has some Pudsey ears or other related items they are very welcome to wear them to school next Friday in support of this national event.


For the remainder of this term we will be focus on continuing to support a local charity and will provide more information over the next few weeks

Whole School Poppy Project

We are so proud of our school. This year we tasked our families with making a waterproof poppy, for us to build our own poppy wreath, using a recycled bike wheel, donated by Albany Cycles. We were so overwhelmed with designs and poppies that we were able to make two large wreaths and also created a beautful display in our school office. Thank you! 

House Points 

Pop along to our new House Point page, to find out about our new school reward system. 

School Council 2022-2023

Star of the Week winners!

A huge congratulation to our competition winners. Our School Council loved these two designs and thought that they would make wonderful awards for our pupils. These will be in use from the summer term.


Photographs taken by a Junior Leader.  

Comic Relief 

This year Comic Relief is on Friday 17th March, we will be welcoming all children to wear non uniform and dress up in brightly coloured clothes, as this year the theme is Mr Men. For those who can donate, we would welcome donations of a pound to go towards the Comic Relief charity. This year we will not be selling red noses due to the age change on the product. Our Year 6 JLT and School Council will be collecting money on the morning. 



Local Community Project

The School Council  have been busy support Bryn and the local council in their ideas and development of the finding that has been gifted to SENA for development of a greener living space around our school and within our local community, The children have been part of a panel of children completing questionnaires, speaking to pupils and gathering ideas and suggestions, these include: one way systems, woodland park areas, moving of bus stops to reduce bus fumes outside of school. The children will continue to support the council over the next few months with this project. 

New Star of the Week Certificate 


The School Council have launched a 'Design a Star of the Week' certificate, this will be the certificate used during our Star of the Week assemblies and will be used across the whole school. The lucky designer will win a book voucher to spend on a book of their choice - the children are excited to see all the designs and select a winner! Watch this space for an update... 

Odd Socks for Anti-Bullying Week 


All staff and children were welcomed to wear odd socks on Monday 14th November in acknowledgement of Anti-Bullying Week, the school was full of wonderful, vibrant feet! Well done Earlsdon! 

Autumn Term 


Our classes have selected their School Councilors - well done!


The School Council have had their first meeting, they have been issued their lanyards, pins and logbook. They have had a meeting with the School Business Manager and have been thinking about school menus. The children have taken a questionnaire back to their classes to find about what meals are popular, unpopular and would like on our school menu. 


The School Council have also been reflecting on our new school rules and the children have been asked to design a new school rule poster - we saw so many wonderful designs, but the children have picked a winner. A bright, bold wonderful design! The children loved it.  


What a great start! 

School Council 2021-2022

Bottle Top Competition 

We have entered the message in a bottle competition. Our bottle top project can be found in our new Sensory Garden.



We are thrilled to be hosting our very first 'Green Day' on April 29th. We will be welcoming children to wear green, donate a gift to our developing sustainable, sensory garden. Introduce the 'bottle top' competition that we will be taking part in and have been busy collecting bottle tops for, as well as our ECO team introducing a 'Design a bird house' competition and our ECO song. You will see attached some holiday homework for anyone who would like to participate. 

Red Nose Day 2022

Thank you to everyone who supported Comic Relief this year, we were able to complete our target of £500, by raising a whopping £514.43! The children enjoyed entering our 'design a nose competition', as well as dressing in red all day, donating £1 towards Comic Relief and purchasing noses from the Junior Leadership Team. The school has a wonderful buzz in the air and through the Red Nose Day resources provided the children gained and understanding as to where and how the money would be used that we have raised. 

Window Wanderland 2022

This year Earlsdon Primary School are pleased to announce that they will be taking part in the City of Culture Window Wanderland project. This year our theme will be Peter Pan. Our parents have been kindly donating, wood and offcuts to Sue Francis; our parent helper who has been busy crafting something exciting to go on the top of the balcony. In addition to this our school staff have been working hard on the window displays. We just hope the scaffolding is down in time for February 19th! We are really excited to see all the windows in our community and know that lots of our children have been busy, making, designing and planning their windows too. Happy window spotting,. 

Pre-Loved book sale for World Book Day 2022

We will be holding a bring and buy book sale during the week of World Book
Day. To prepare for this exciting event we would love you to search through
your unwanted children’s books and donate them to school by 18th February.
We would like to be able to offer books to all age groups so please hunt out
any books suitable for ages 4-11 years. Obviously, we can’t hold a book sale
without books, so we will be relying on your generosity to make this work.
We will be offering each class an opportunity to visit the pre-loved book sale,
please look at the timetable below to see when your child’s class will visit.
Each book bought will be 50p; a great way to encourage your child to read for
pleasure and enjoyment without spending too many pennies!

Christmas Jumper Day 


Wednesday 15th December 2021 was our Christmas jumper day, with all donations going to Save the Children. The children enjoyed class parties, school Christmas dinners and watching the Singing Hands pantomine, A very festive day! 

Children In Need 


A huge thank you to all of the children and parents that supported us this year. The design a Pudsey competition and non-uniform day raised a total of £380. Thank you to everyone who contributed to this total. We would also like to congratulate our two winners, one in KS1 and one in KS2, the JLT embraced the process when deciding and selecting the winners! 

ECO Squad

Over the last month the Junior Leadership Team has started recruiting its new members and some of the Year 6 children have already started their new roles. In addition, this year Earlsdon Primary School will be aiming to earn their ECO award. For the first time, the JLT has appointed their first ECO squad. Over recent weeks the ECO squad have been completing their baseline assessment for our school and have now formulated their action plan. During the course of the year we will be aiming to meet our actions; improve our schools bio-diversity, waste and litter within the school. The children would also like to organise a community litter pick in the New Year! We are very excited. In the short term, if anyone has any bug houses, bat boxes, bird houses or bird feeders that they would no longer like or would like to donate, they would be well received by our ECO team. Thank you.

Poppy Appeal 

From November 1st the JLT will be supporting the Poppy Appeal in school. The children across all year groups will be invited to donate 20p for a poppy as well as a range of other items for sale. The Poppy Appeal have suggested a price list for some of their items ranging from 50p to £1.50.



Harvest and Carriers of Hope 


This year for Harvest we will be going orange and raising money for the Carriers of Hope project. We hope to buy children's scooters for the newly arrived families in Coventry. This week the JLT will be selling orange stickers for the children to buy, children can wear non - uniform on Thursday 21st October and some of our Year 5 pupils will be making items to sell during break and lunchtimes. 

Summer of Sunflowers

Earlsdon Primary School is excited to be taking part in the community project 'Summer of Sunflowers'. The idea of the project is to fill our local community with bright flowers and ensure that no-one person feels isolated, lonely or alone during this challenging time. Working alongside the library and other local charities the school has been gifted 1000 sunflower seeds. Each child will be planting a seed in school and will also be taking some seeds home, they can either plant these or gift them to members of their community. If you want to find out more information, pop along to Earlsdon Library for seeds and information, or search Summer of Sunflowers on Facebook. Letters will be sent out to parents via parent mail. 

Help for Heroes

This year Earlsdon Primary School will be taking part in the Royal Mail, Help for Heroes stamp design. We are very excited to take part. Parents will have a parent mail letter regarding this competiton. Good Luck! 
Eight designs will be chosen for this stamp series from Royal Mail.
One of the designs could be yours.
Her Majesty The Queen will approve the winning stamp designs before they are printed and issued.
There are 120 great prizes on offer for area winners and runners up.
Plus, cash prizes for the winning schools too.

World Down Syndrome Day 2021

Red Nose Day March 19th 2021

The last 12 months have been incredibly tough for everyone, but we are so proud of how our school community have managed. As parents and carers, you have also had your lives turned upside down, and we are so grateful for all of your efforts at home.


We recognise and appreciate that things are a bit different this year, but we can’t wait to raise a smile and some life-changing money by celebrating Red Nose Day in school on Friday 19th March.


We would like to invite the children to come to school dressed in red, or wearing spots or as a Superhero! (Please don’t spend any money by buying an outfit- homemade costumes are great.)


If you wish to make a donation to Comic Relief, please visit their website and donate using the button at the bottom- you can add as much or as little as you like:


As well as taking the opportunity to be part of something positive, we’ll be using Red Nose Day as a learning opportunity. We’ll explore the issues facing young people across the world, and how the money we raise can help.

Window Wanderland

This year with lockdown and the impact it is having on many, we wanted to ensure that we are still reaching out to our community. With a little bit of help from all of the children in school and all of the children at home we have decided to join the Earlsdon Window Wanderland. 


This year the Earlsdon residents registered to be part of the Window Wanderland linked to the city of culture. During the month of February windows will be decorated with beautiful pictures and light sot brighten the streets. 


With the support of our children we have selected the story book The Hungry Caterpillar. Firstly, it is such a famous story book but mainly because butterflies are a symbol of hope and we feel more than ever that we all need a little bit of hope. 


Each class has a giant butterfly carefully crafted from old crisp packets and made by our PTA and children have sent in messages of hope for teachers to write on the class butterflies. 


The display will be ready at the end of February half term for everyone to enjoy. 





Children In Need


Children In Need is Friday 13th November, this year we are encouraging the children to dress up as Pudsey, with spots or wear bright colours. Due to risk assessment procedures  we will not be having a cake sale or raffle. Instead we are asking parents and guardians to donate using the Pudsey donate button on the just giving website

Anti-bullying week Monday 16th November 


Monday 16th November is Anti-bullying week. This year the Year 6 Leaders have presented in assembly and during the week of the 16th, classes will be focusing on differences and being unique. The children are also encouraged to wear odd socks on Monday 16th November. 

Rising Fives


Our Year 6 children would often meet and greet our new parents and give them a guided tour around the school. This year the children and parents have not been able to do that. Instead our fabulous Year 6 Leaders have helped to create the Rising Fives video that can be found in the: Key Information, Admissions, Rising Fives part of the school website.  



This year for Remembrance our staff and wonderful PTA have supported the class bubbles by providing craft material to collaborate and produce the most beautiful poppy waterfall outside of the school. Each child had the opportunity to make a poppy and build the waterfall, with the help of our parent volunteer Sue Francis organising the whole process. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic and the local lockdown the children really wanted to create something that would help the community during their daily walks and in addition, support with remembering all of the veterans past and present.


Our Year 6 Leaders have also been selling and collecting donations for the Royal British Legion by selling the poppies within school.  

JLT and School Council 2019-2020

World Down Syndrome Day and World Autism Awareness Week

The School Council have been reminding children to wear odd socks on Friday 20th March for World Down Syndrome Day, in addition to this assemblies will be focused around raising awareness. Alongside this, the office will be selling wristbands for Autism Awareness and the School Council will be selling these around school, assemblies will also focus on raising awareness. 

Preloved book sale

Well done to all of the parents and children at Earlsdon Primary School for raising £177 that we will be donating to our local community library later in the month. The School Council helped organise and group the books, helped the younger children select books and also organised payment, change and most importantly counting the final total!

JLT update

It’s a very exciting time for Year 5 and 6 at the moment as the JLT are reapplying for their posts and job roles. The children will be starting their new roles on Monday 20th January. The Digital Leaders will be helping in assemblies and taking care of the electronic equipment. The Playground and Early Years Leaders will be supporting the children on the playground and playing with them as well as modelling correct behaviour choices and games. The School Leaders will be helping the office staff with letters, jobs and photocopying and our Sports Leaders will be helping with the football rota, PE equipment and will be helping with games on the playground. The JLT are very proud and will be wearing their new lanyards around school. 

Year 6 at Festive Fayre

Our amazing Year 6 had a table at the Festive Fayre this year with an aim to raise some money for a robot. The children wanted to raise enough money to put towards a robot for our school coding club. The children raised almost £100 and our PTA have kindly doubled it.  

Children in Need 2019

The School Council have worked very hard over the last few weeks collecting in entries for their Pudsey competition, selling items outside of school to their peers, learning songs and getting their assembly ready to share to both KS1 and KS2. They were pleased to choose a winner for the giant Pudsey and raise lots of money for Children In Need. A huge thank you to all of the children at Earlsdon School who entered the competition, dressed up for the day, donated some money and embraced our Pudsey day - we couldn’t do it without you! As a school we raised a whopping £643.18! 

Anti-bullying week 2019

This year the School Council have presented their Anti-Bullying campaign to both KS1 and KS2. They spoke about the importance of change and how making a change to your own behaviour can impact and change how others feel. In addition, the children at Earlsdon School have been taking part in lots of circle times and discussions around being unique and different. Mr Hook has also been teaching a variety of songs about change to both KS1 and KS2. On Tuesday 12th of November we would like to encourage the children at school to wear odd socks, which is part of the Anti-Bullying campaign. 


This year the children and parents at Earlsdon School collaborated together to make poppies from reusable and recyclable materials. With the donation of a bike frame from Albany Cycles and with the support of a talented parent helper, the waterproof poppies were assembled together to make a fabulous wreath. The children in KS1 will take the wreath with them to War Memorial Park on Monday 11th November to place it at the cenotaph. As poppies can be purchased from the school office and the money donated goes to the British Legion, parents welcomed the opportunity to still contribute to the fund. 

Coventry Young Ambassadors

Well done to Howes Primary and Earlsdon Primary Young Ambassadors for braving the heavy rain on Saturday 1st  November to support the runners at Coventry Memorial Park, you were amazing! 

Meet our School Council

Coventry Young Ambassadors

Earlsdon Primary School Values

  • A culture is strong when people work with each other, not for themselves. Simon Sinek
  • In diversity there is beauty and there is strength. Maya Angelou
  • Come to the edge. We might fall. Come to the edge. It's too high! Come to the edge. And they came, and he pushed, and they flew. Christopher Iogne
  • Resilience comes from the Latin word 'resalire', which means springing back.
  • You cannot get through a single day without having an impact on the world around you. What you do makes a difference and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make. Jane Goodall