School is now closed for half term. School will reopen on Monday 4th November at 8.40am.
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Earlsdon Primary School

Welcome to our Governors’ section. 

Please find below details of how our Governing body is structured, including the names, categories, responsibilities and terms of appointment for each Governor.  Each Governor is appointed to their position by the Full Governing Body.



Governor Type


Term start

Term end

Dr Waqar Ahmed

Co-opted governor

Personal Development


21 Sep 2021

20 Sep 2025

Rebecca BollandsObserver


6 Oct 2021

5 Oct 2025

Rhona FordeHeadteacher   

Mr Bill Hedges

Co-opted Governor



Health & Safety

02 Dec 2022

01 Dec 2026

Dr Hazel Howat

Staff Governor


02 Oct 2020

01 Oct 2024

Mrs Katherine James

Co-opted Governor

Vice Chair

Safeguarding & Inclusion

03 Dec 2023

04 Dec 2027

Mrs Anna Leigh

Co-opted Governor


03 Dec 2023

04 Dec 2027

Mrs Claire Crawford

Parent Governor

Out of School Club

17 Dec 2021

17 Dec 2025

Miss Sara Lines

Co-opted Governor

Behaviour & Attitudes

18 Mar 2020

17 Mar 2024

Mrs Di Murphy

Co-opted Governor


Early Years

21 Jan 2020

20 Jan 2024

Mrs Cathy Openshaw

LA Governor

Teaching and learning

Assessment and progression

03 Dec 2023

02 Dec 2027

Mrs Kerry Smith

Parent Governor


24 Oct 2023

23 Oct 2027

Mr Adam WoodParent Governor 24 Oct 202323 Oct 2027


As governors we are there to develop a long-term strategic direction to how the school is run; be critical friends; ensure the school is accountable for its actions, and make sure that it operates effectively in the interests of its pupils, parents and other stakeholders. Governors are volunteers and give their time willingly to support the work of the school.

We consider the management of school finances in terms of forward planning, staffing, training, resources and upkeep and development of the premises.


Each year the governors approve an Annual Budget Plan for capital and revenue funding, including staffing and running costs. The budget set to sustain the work of the school for the financial year and is managed to support the School Improvement Plan. Throughout the year governors monitor the use of those allocated funds to ensure that the school achieves value for money and remains solvent.


We also have responsibility for charging, insurance, control and use of the school premises. It is our responsibility to ensure that the premises are well maintained, safe and secure for our pupils and staff.


Staffing is a major expense in the budget and we are responsible for the staffing structure within school. We support the school in recruiting new staff and are committed to training programmes that develop their skills and professionalism.


We consider all areas of the school with regards to quality of the educational experience, in its widest sense, shared by both pupils and their families.

We ensure that all people are included and welcomed to our school, and that children are offered a rich curriculum that helps them make sense of the world.


We consider how different groups of children are achieving against predictions and expectations for their group. This would include splitting results by class, year, gender, ethnic background, English as a second language, and other groupings. We look at our school’s results against both Coventry and national figures so can see if there are local and national trends, which our pupils are following or diverging from. We also check how we are monitoring and assessing children individually, although we do not explore the performance of individual children.


We consider all aspects of the curriculum, covering both its teaching and its content.

Governors are attached to priority areas, as identified in the school’s annual improvement plan. They meet with leaders, attend some lessons, speak to pupils and report back on their experience.



Meetings of the Governing body take place at least once a half term, usually in the evening. For meeting dates, please contact the school office.

If you would like more information about the governing body, please contact one of the governors or the Head teacher.

Earlsdon Primary School Values

  • A culture is strong when people work with each other, not for themselves. Simon Sinek
  • In diversity there is beauty and there is strength. Maya Angelou
  • Come to the edge. We might fall. Come to the edge. It's too high! Come to the edge. And they came, and he pushed, and they flew. Christopher Iogne
  • Resilience comes from the Latin word 'resalire', which means springing back.
  • You cannot get through a single day without having an impact on the world around you. What you do makes a difference and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make. Jane Goodall