Current prices of the school meals are available from the office on request. We would ask that meals are ordered one week in advance and paid for on Monday mornings.
Cheques are made payable to Earlsdon Primary School. Please write your child’s name and class on the back. Cash should be sent in to the school in a sealed envelope, clearly marked with your child’s name, class and the amount enclosed. Please inform us of any changes to your child’s eating arrangements in writing, giving 1 week’s notice.
Please do not send packets of nuts or peanut butter sandwiches as part of your child’s meal as there are several children within the school who have severe nut allergies. Any contact with nuts, however slight, could result in an extreme allergic reaction.
In an effort to promote healthy eating, please do not send in birthday treats of sweets and chocolate for the class. Key Stage 1 children will have fruit provided for a playtime snack, Key Stage 2 children may bring their own fruit.