We are looking forward to welcoming our new reception children into school for the whole day from Monday 16th September.
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Earlsdon Primary School

Dear Parents/ Carers


We have had approval from the Local Authority and are looking forward to starting the reception children's phased return to school. 

As the approval arrived last night and we have been unable to confirm arrangements with parents until today, we will be starting to welcome the reception children back from Wednesday 10th June beginning with one day in school next week, 2 / 3 days during week beginning 15th and 22nd June and full time from 29th June. You will receive a second email today providing specific details about your child's phased return top school- please look out for this.

School will look and feel very different for the children as the classrooms have been set up to support social distancing requirements. The children may be working in a new learning environment and with different staff, there will be new expectations and routines and the children will have access to a limited choice of resources and toys and short periods of time outdoors in a zoned area of the playground.


Whilst we have shared information in letters and via emails over the last few weeks, we want to take this opportunity to remind you of some key messages so you are aware of some of the changes to the organisation of the day and can prepare your son or daughter. The children of key workers will be based in the upstairs classroom and the reception children will be learning and playing in fixed groups based in one of the downstairs classrooms.


Drop off and collection

Please drop your son/ daughter off between 9am - 9.10am entering school through the main school gate.

The approach to the drop off area will be marked out to support social distancing (just like the supermarkets). The children will enter school through the Y1 door where they will be greeted by a member of staff and directed to their classroom. (Please note that drop off times may be staggered in the future when we welcome more children back into school.)

Parents must not enter the school building. Once you have dropped off your son/ daughter you will be asked to follow a one way system around the school building, across the playground and then exit through the car park.


At the end of the day, collection will be staggered to support social distancing. Please collect your son/ daughter between 2.40pm- 2.50pm .( Please note that collection times may vary in the future when we welcome more children back into school.)

Please enter school through the main gate and approach the playground in a queue following the 2m line markings. The children will be waiting in a socially distanced space on the playground. 

Please be as prompt as possible as remaining in a socially distanced space on the playground may be quite challenging for some of the children. When you have collected your child please follow the one way system and leave the school site through the car park.


School uniform

We expect children to wear their school uniform but understand that they may have grown in the last couple of months. Although we still intend to take children outside for physical activity, they will not be using P.E or sports equipment and they will not be getting changed into their P.E kits. Instead we ask that children come to school in their uniform and wearing their school shoes (if they still fit) or trainers, so they have appropriate footwear.


Classroom groups

The children will be learning and playing in fixed reception groups. The children will remain in these fixed groups at playtime, lunchtime and during their timetabled sessions on an area of the playground. They will not be able to mix with the children in the other fixed reception groups or with children from across the school. As a result children from the reception groups cannot attend breakfast or after school as the blending and mixing of groups needs to be avoided wherever possible.



The school kitchen will be preparing lunch for the children from a reduced menu. We will assume that your child is having a school meal unless you tell us otherwise.


What should my child bring to school?

All children should bring a filled water bottle to school- this should be taken home and cleaned each day. Coats and/ or hats may also be needed. P.E kits, book bags, ruck sacks etc. will not be required. The children will not be using the cloakrooms so please help us to ensure that classrooms are as clutter free as possible by sending less equipment into school with your child. In addition as the fruit scheme is not currently operating, we would like to request that children bring a piece of fruit or fruit based snack into school each day. 


Please contact us if you have any further questions or queries. You will be receiving an additional email today outlining the phased return to school for your child.


We are looking forward to seeing you next week and hope you have a relaxing weekend.


With best wishes

Mrs Forde

Earlsdon Primary School Values

  • A culture is strong when people work with each other, not for themselves. Simon Sinek
  • In diversity there is beauty and there is strength. Maya Angelou
  • Come to the edge. We might fall. Come to the edge. It's too high! Come to the edge. And they came, and he pushed, and they flew. Christopher Iogne
  • Resilience comes from the Latin word 'resalire', which means springing back.
  • You cannot get through a single day without having an impact on the world around you. What you do makes a difference and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make. Jane Goodall