As you are aware from recent correspondence from school, the LA and Public Health England, we have been advised to have a cautious approach to the return to school and to keep several measures in place. We are thrilled
that the children can once again learn in classroom groups and use their cloakrooms but we are mainlining consistent groupings and the one way system in and around the building.
Face coverings: We have been advised to recommend that parents continue to wear face coverings on the
school site when dropping off and collecting their children.
End of the school day: Thank you for your support with our routines at the end of the school day and for maintaining a safe distance from other parents as you wait to collect your child.
We appreciate that our site becomes very congested but please support us by moving quickly around the school
building and not blocking the walkway. Maintaining a clear path means that classes can move safely to wait with
their teachers and parents can collect their children and walk around the building to leave the school site.
General controls: Please help to keep our school community safe by not sending children to school if they are
showing coronavirus symptoms or are unwell; book a test if you or your child develop symptoms. There is no
national recommendation for primary aged children to have regular LFT testing, however as you are aware it is
locally recommended that all children attending a primary school also test regularly