Dear Parents/ Carers
We hope you are well?
As you would expect we are busy preparing for the end of the academic year and saying good bye to the children who are in school, alongside planning for September when we looking forward to welcoming all of the children into their new year groups. More detailed information has been sent home explaining the routines for September, as well as a letter from the Local Authority- please contact us if you haven't received this.
There is still lots to plan and we would like to thank you in advance for your patience and flexibility- we may need to make some adaptations to routines and systems once we see how they work with all of the children in school.
Farewell to our Year 6 children
It has been wonderful to welcome groups of year 6 children into school for their transition project over the last few weeks. They have been super as it hasn't been the end of their time at Earlsdon Primary that anyone imagined. They have been incredible year 6 role models, supportive junior leaders and wonderful ambassadors for our school at sporting events, robotics competitions and on a range of trips and visits including their residential experience at Dol y Moch. We are very proud of everything that they have achieved and wish them every happiness as they embrace all of the new challenges and adventures at their secondary schools.
PTA Pre-Loved uniform sale- Monday 20th July 1pm-3pm
The PTA have kindly offered to set up a uniform sale for families on Monday afternoon at the front of the school by the library. Please come along and stock up on the uniform you need for September. If you are passing school the PTA will also have a book collection box to gather any reading books that you have had at home during the last few months.
Breakfast and After school club
Information was sent home this week to all families who use breakfast and/ or after school club, explaining the provisional plans for the Autumn term. To prevent children from different year groups mixing, we are planning to run OSC in the year group classrooms in the first instance. As a result OSC will look and feel very different for the children and we are trying to establish new staff rotas to support this. Please ensure you return the registration forms by Tuesday 21st July to support our planning and to help us ensure that we have adequate staff for each OSC year group bubble.
School reading books and class text
If you are able to pass by school between 1pm-3pm on Monday afternoon, we would be very grateful if you could drop any school reading books that you have into the book return box next to the PTA pre-loved uniform sale.
If however, this isn't a convenient day or time for you, please gather together the school books and safely store them until September. We are hoping that all books will be returned at the beginning of the new term so that we have enough to use as class text and for all of the children to access as they progress through the reading scheme. There will be additional pressures on on the availability of reading books in the Autumn term as we have to set aside the books that are returned for 72 hours before they can go back onto the book shelves- we are keen to ensure that they are all returned so that we don't face book shortages! Thank you for your support.
'Meet the teacher' online sessions
Thank you to the children and families who were able to access the online transition meetings that were offered this week. We hope the children (and new reception parents) found the sessions useful and we look forward to seeing you all back in school from the beginning of September. If you were unable to attend the online session, the year group PowerPoint presentations are available to access on the school website.
An additional email will be sent out over the next few days, outlining the transition day for your child (either 2nd or 3rd September), prior to all of the children returning on Friday 4th September- please look out for this email.
Thank you for your ongoing support during these challenging months.
We hope you have a relaxing summer.
With best wishes
Mrs Forde