Dear Parents/ carers
As you are aware as part of the wider opening of school during this pandemic, we are operating a phased return so that all necessary protective measures are in place and the process is managed with extreme caution and care. This means that it has been necessary to take a more gradual approach than the government initially indicated.
It is important that we respond to the unique circumstances of our school including taking into account our building, the size of our classrooms, staff availability and the increasing number of key workers within the community requiring places.
Staff have worked relentlessly to prepare all of the necessary documentation and risk assessments as well as reorganising the learning environment to create socially distanced classrooms by removing soft furnishings, toys and furniture.
We have enjoyed welcoming more children into school this week and have been supporting them as they have adjusted to the new environment, changes to routines, social distancing and the importance of following the new behavioural expectations.
We are planning to receive the first groups of reception children next week but are awaiting Local Authority approval. As soon as we receive this, we will contact you with more information including a start date and times for drop off and collection at the end of the school day.
We fully understand that not having a confirmed date for a return to school is frustrating. We will be in touch as soon as we have confirmation and look forward to seeing you soon.
Thank you for your continued patience.
With best wishes
Mrs R Forde