P.E lessons will continue on the same days next half term
and we would like to request that the children continue
to come to school wearing their P.E clothes. Thank you
for your support in ensuring that the children wear a P.E
kit in our school colours. This includes black, navy or grey
leggings/ tracksuit, a white or navy t-shirt and a black,
navy or grey sweatshirt. Please do not send the children
into school wearing clothing with large sports logos– a
navy school sweatshirt would be great. Thank you
Many children have enjoyed the after school sports clubs
this half term. The children in Year 2, Year 4 and Year 5
will have the opportunity to book onto the clubs for next
half term; more information will be sent to parents
shortly. Places will be allocated on a ‘first come, first
served’ basis so please book a place for your child when
you receive the email. Thank you.