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Earlsdon Primary School

Space junk is a major problem. Some of it is very large, such as burnt-out rocket stages, dead spacecraft, and a few tools lost during spacewalks. However, most of it is much smaller.

Space Agencies (such as the European Space Agency) are now looking at ways to solve this problem and clean up Space.  Your task, towards helping to keep our planet healthy, is to create a poster that will help raise awareness of this Space pollution and how/why countries must work together to solve this.

If you wish to take part in this competition, please bring your poster in to school no later than Wednesday 20th October.  We will send photographs of the posters to the European Space Agency to show our support and awareness of this issue.

Below are some links to websites and a video for you to find out more.

Earlsdon Primary School Values

  • A culture is strong when people work with each other, not for themselves. Simon Sinek
  • In diversity there is beauty and there is strength. Maya Angelou
  • Come to the edge. We might fall. Come to the edge. It's too high! Come to the edge. And they came, and he pushed, and they flew. Christopher Iogne
  • Resilience comes from the Latin word 'resalire', which means springing back.
  • You cannot get through a single day without having an impact on the world around you. What you do makes a difference and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make. Jane Goodall