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Earlsdon Primary School

As you are aware, in line with DfE guidance, Governors have adopted a new attendance policy. (A copy is available on the school website). We know that sometimes our pupils cannot come to school because they are really unwell - and that's the right thing to do for them and other students. However, medical advice is clear that children with mild illness will often be well enough to attend school- for example if they have a cough, or cold, without a temperature. The NHS guidance Is my child too ill for school? - NHS ( is designed to support parents in their decision making about mild illness. Children fall behind their friends and classmates when they miss school- we want the amount of missed education to be reduced as much as possible. We are keen to support families to ensure children are in school ready for their learning. As a reminder we have listed below the key attendance procedures: What YOU must do: • Try to telephone the school before 8.30am each day of your child’s absence. • Tell the school in advance, of any medical appointments and bring in appointment cards/letters. • If you are not sure whether your child is well enough to attend school, send them in anyway as they often perk up on arrival. • Have a backup plan if you are unable to bring your child to school e.g. call on a family member, neighbour or friend. • If you and your child are experiencing difficulties with school attendance then talk to us as a first step so we can help. What WE will do: • Check your child’s attendance every day. • Phone home to discuss your child’s attendance with you. • Write to you or invite you into school for an attendance meeting if we are con?cerned. • If we cannot establish a reason for ab?sence. 

Earlsdon Primary School Values

  • A culture is strong when people work with each other, not for themselves. Simon Sinek
  • In diversity there is beauty and there is strength. Maya Angelou
  • Come to the edge. We might fall. Come to the edge. It's too high! Come to the edge. And they came, and he pushed, and they flew. Christopher Iogne
  • Resilience comes from the Latin word 'resalire', which means springing back.
  • You cannot get through a single day without having an impact on the world around you. What you do makes a difference and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make. Jane Goodall