We are delighted that we are able to have the book fair in school, however we do recognise that the organisation of this event will be quite different this year. Unfortunately, we will not be able to invite families into school, but instead the children have brought home a browsing leaflet with the books that are available, and parents are asked to share this with their children and discuss which book they would like to buy.
A digital copy of the browsing leaflet has also been sent home; further details of how to pay and order books can be found at the end of this leaflet. Parents can choose to pre-pay for books
using three methods: phone payment (please include the transaction code) ,downloadable vouchers https://bookfairs.scholastic.co.uk/gift-vouchers or
cheques/ cash. Please note that NO CHANGE can be offered. If you are providing cash, please put the correct amount in a sealed envelope with your child's name and class clearly written on it. The children will then visit the book fair with their classmates and collect the book that they have pre-bought/ ordered. The children are visiting the book fair in school on these days:
Thursday 26th November– Year 1 & Year 2
Friday 27th November - Reception classes
Monday 30th November—Year 3 & Year 4
Tuesday 1st December—Year 5 & Year 6
Please support the book fair– when families buy books the school earns commission to spend on books for our
classrooms. Last year we spent over £1000.00 on new books from money raised by the book fair