COVID-19 update
We hope that your family had a relaxing Easter break and that you have all enjoyed being able to meet more friends outside, and the opportunity to visit some of the places that have been able to open up again as part of the government’s roadmap. The Department for Education continue to provide updates and guidance to schools and during their correspondence this week they have requested that we remind families about safe travel to school as outlined here:
Travelling to school and college safely (DfE Guidance 19th April 2021) It is likely that the roads and public transport system will be busier than when students returned in March, given other businesses have reopened. As part of your ongoing communications with pupils and their parents, schools may wish to share the following messages on how pupils can travel to and from school safely:
if you live a short distance from your school or college, walk, cycle or scoot to and from school wherever it is possible and
safe to do so
avoid sharing a car with anyone outside of your household or support bubble
if you are using public transport to get to school or college, plan ahead and allow more time for your journey
when you are travelling by public or dedicated school transport, don’t forget to:
wear a face covering (unless you are exempt – including if you are aged 11 and under). It is important you wear them
for the entirety of your journey, including inside a bus or train station
social distance where possible
wash or sanitise your hands regularly