Earlsdon Primary is supported by a dedicated and skilled Board of Governors made up from elected parents, LA governors and Co-opted members . Governors are volunteers who work together to:
• develop a vision and strategy for the school
• oversee the financial performance of the organisation, making sure its money is well spent
• hold the school leaders to account to ensure that every pupil has the best possible education
• engage with the school community to understand their views.
Governors felt that parents might like a little bit of background information on Board members. With this in mind, Bill Hedges would like to share this about himself: I taught in Coventry for 39 years and retired from school based work as a primary headteacher. I then worked for the Local Authority as a School Improvement Advisor with responsibility for Child Protection and Safeguarding. Alongside this I also worked independently as a trainer. I have lived in Earlsdon for well over 40 years and been a governor at the school for about 10 years and am currently Chair of Governors. Bill Hedges