Our school is working with a team of researchers at the University of Oxford on a research project called MY-CATS. The MY-CATS team are testing out a new way of identifying and supporting young children who might benefit from help to build confidence and reduce the chance of problems with anxiety now and in the future. We are inviting all parents/carers of children
in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 classes to take part– as this project is to help reduce problems with fears and
worries now and in the future, your child does not need to be experiencing difficulties with anxiety to take part.
To find out more information about the project please watch this short video:
MYCATS video
A separate letter has been sent home to parents so please follow the links in the letter to complete the consent form. Please complete the consent and screening questionnaires by 13th June 2021. We ask one parent/carer to complete the consent and questionnaires for a child. If you have more than one child across the participating classes, you can complete the consent and screening questionnaires for each child