Dear Parents/Carers
Thank you for your patience as we continue to plan to welcome back more children from Reception, Year 1 and Year 6 as well as more vulnerable children and children of critical workers.
We are working hard to make sure that the school environment is a welcoming and safe place for pupils to return to and that the nurture, care and wellbeing of children is at the heart of what we do. This has proved to be an enormous task logistically, incorporating all the daily DfE guidance documents into our planning, many of which have only come out recently. To this end, despite working relentlessly since the Prime Ministers statement about primary schools reopening, we will not be in a position to start this face to face contact on 1st June. During the week commencing 1st June we will be welcoming more vulnerable children and children of critical workers into school and helping them to settle and adjust to the new school routines and classroom environments.
When we are told it is safe to do so and all the appropriate adjustments are in place, we will be implementing a phased return timetable starting with the Reception children.
When groups/year groups return to school
To support social distancing and minimise the amount of adults on site, we ask that only one parent/ carer drops their child off each day. We will also be introducing staggered start/ ends to the school day. You will receive further information about dates and times as part of the phased return.
It is important that you adhere to the timings specified to your child as we will be working hard to ensure that different groups arrive at different times, in order to follow social distancing guidance.
As parents/ carers please make sure you are aware of others around you and that you maintain social distancing at all times. Please refrain from using the school office/ main reception area and either telephone or email school instead.
Please can you talk through the following with your child, in advance of their potential return to school, to help this to be as safe and smooth transition as possible:
Home learning
We will continue to post our weekly home learning plans on the school website and this will form the basis of the provision for the children who are attending school.
School uniform
We expect children to wear uniform but understand that they may have grown in the last couple of months. Although we still intend to take children outside for physical activity, they will not be using P.E or sports equipment and they will not be getting changed into their P.E kits. Instead, we ask that children come to school in their school shoes (if they still fit) or trainers, so they have appropriate footwear.
We have added a new tab to our website entitled COVID-19 guidance. We will use this section to keep you up to date with useful information.
Thank you for your help with this as we all play our part in preparing for the wider opening of school. As soon as we have been advised it is safe to open school to more children and have completed our own local evaluations, we will be writing to you to confirm dates and arrangements.
With best wishes,
Mrs R Forde