We are looking forward to welcoming back all of the children on Monday 8th March.
We will be reviewing our COVID-19 risk assessment over the next few days and will remind parents next week of some of the key arrangements in relation to the beginning and end of the day and what the children need to bring to school.
Thank you for your continued support with the children's remote learning. We recognise that it has been difficult for children and families to re-start their learning at home after the half term break. We hope that the children will be able to engage with the daily learning next week including accessing recorded and live lessons and continuing to share their learning on j2e or through the parent email.
Out of School Club
If you plan to use Breakfast club and / or After School club when the children return to school, we would like to remind you to book the sessions you require by the Wednesday of the previous week so that we can organise the necessary staffing levels.
School Meals
When the children return to school they will continue to order their school meal choices during the morning registration session. However, to support this process it is important that the children stick to the same meal pattern. For example, if your child usually has a packed lunch on Monday and Tuesday and then school meals for the rest of the week, they must stick to the same pattern every week. If changes do need to be made, it is important that parents inform the school office a few days in advance. Thank you for your support.