Next week is World Book Week, please monitor emails for author visits, dressing up and pre-loved book sales.
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Earlsdon Primary School

We would like to support Free Radio by fundraising for the Cash for Kids charity. They have asked Coventry schools to engage with their “Wear Your Rainbow” by encouraging children
to choose a colour to wear on Friday 2nd July and come to school dressed in that colour - or even wear EVERY colour of the rainbow for the day! Cash for Kids would like to encourage
everyone who takes part to make a donation of £2. As the rainbow has been a symbol of hope during the pandemic, this charity feel that it is a great way to raise some money for local children whose lives continue to be affected. With our help Cash for Kids can improve the lives of disadvantaged children and young people in our communities who are affected by poverty, illness, neglect or have additional needs. Please put the date in your diary; more information is available on their website:

Earlsdon Primary School Values

  • A culture is strong when people work with each other, not for themselves. Simon Sinek
  • In diversity there is beauty and there is strength. Maya Angelou
  • Come to the edge. We might fall. Come to the edge. It's too high! Come to the edge. And they came, and he pushed, and they flew. Christopher Iogne
  • Resilience comes from the Latin word 'resalire', which means springing back.
  • You cannot get through a single day without having an impact on the world around you. What you do makes a difference and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make. Jane Goodall