World Book day – Thursday 3rd March 2022
We are looking forward to celebrating World Book Day in school with a range of activities during the week beginning 28th February. We are thrilled that we continue to have a strong relationship with Earlsdon Library and that all of the children will have the opportunity to visit our local library during this week and enjoy a wide range of books. In addition, we will be inviting the children to come to school dressed as a word of their choice and to participate in and enjoy a bring and buy book sale.
Bring and Buy Book sale
Thank you to everyone who has donated books for the bring and buy book sale. We would like to be able to offer books to all age groups so please hunt out any books suitable for ages 4-11 years – thank you. Each class will have the opportunity to visit the pre-loved book sale during the week beginning 28th February. Each book bought will cost 50p; a great way to encourage your child to read for pleasure without spending too many pennies!
Dressing up on Thursday 3rd March
We are inviting all children to come to school dressed as a word on Thursday 3rd March. Vocabulary is the focus of this day; rather than book characters or story characters we would love children to dress up as a word. For example, a child could dress up as an ‘aquarium’ and have fish attached to them. Another child might want to be their favourite superhero and their word could be ‘strong’ or ‘heroic’. Other examples children have chosen in the past include dressing up as a ‘calculator’ and or as ‘illuminate’. We cannot wait to see the children dressed up with their word attached to them. Thank you for your ongoing support and for making World Book Day a special event in school.