On Thursday 23rd Reception children will be taking part in Elmer day, so they are invited to wear multicoloured clothes to school to celebrate 35 years of Elmer. We welcome the rest of the children to wear comfy clothes for Book Trust and can bring their favourite book to school, to share with their peers. £1.00 donations will be going to our charity of choice.
Home Page

Earlsdon Primary School

This is where you will find all of the information that will keep you up to date with our latest events!

  • Start and end of the day

    Sat 19 Sep 2020
    Thank you to all of the families who are supporting our efforts at the beginning and of the day to try to minimise contact between the year group bubbles. Thank you also to everyone who has followed the request from the Local Authority to wear face coverings when dropping off and collecting their children. We appreciate all of your support during these challenging times.
    We have had further communication from the Local Authority this week and have once again been asked to remind parents and carers of their own responsibility to socially distance. The Local Authority have asked that parents do not use the school gate or surrounding area as a place to gather as this will put the school community at risk.
  • P.E

    Sat 12 Sep 2020

    As routines and timetables become more established, we are now in the position to reintroduce P.E into the children’s school
    day. In line with government guidance we will be aiming to teach the vast majority of P.E lessons outside- unfortunately we
    are currently unable to use Spencer Park as the park toilet is closed. To limit the resources that are moving between home and school, we would like the children to wear their P.E kit to school one day each week when they have P.E (as listed below).


    Please ensure that the children wear their school P.E kit rather than their general sportswear:
     Plain navy or white t-shirt or a navy or white t-shirt with the school logo
     Plain navy, black or grey shorts or jogging bottoms
     School sweatshirt/ cardigan or a plain navy, grey or black hoodie.
    The children will also need to wear trainers.

    The current P.E timetable is:

    Year 1 Friday Year 2 Thursday Year 3 Monday
    Year 4 Wednesday Year 5 Monday Year 6 Tuesday
  • Face Coverings

    Sat 12 Sep 2020

    In response to the national rise in COVID-19 cases, we have been advised by the Local Authority to ask parents to wear face coverings when dropping off and collecting their children.
    In addition, in light of the restrictions to limit the number of people that you can see socially indoors or outdoors from Monday 14th September, we have also been asked by the Local Authority to remind parents and carers of their own responsibility to socially distance. The Local Authority have asked that parents do not use the school gate or surrounding area as a place to gather as this will put the school community at risk. Thank you for your ongoing support during these difficult times. 


    Mrs Forde

  • Routines

    Sat 12 Sep 2020

    It has taken a little while for everyone to adjust to the new routines at the beginning and end of the day, but we would like to take this opportunity to thank the children, parents, grandparents and family members for their patience over the last two weeks. As routines are becoming more established, we are all becoming more efficient at these busy times- we continue to regularly review routines and will keep you up to date if any significant changes are required. Please remember to wait away from the school site if you arrive prior to your child’s designated drop off or collection time.


    Mrs Forde 

  • Weekly menu

    Sat 12 Sep 2020
    We are thrilled that our kitchen is up and running again and that we can offer hot and cold meals to all of the children in Reception and Key Stage 1 and a large group of our Key Stage 2 children. Due to current restrictions only the Reception children are eating in the canteen—all other year groups are collecting their hot meals/ sandwiches and returning to eat in their classrooms. To support this process, the children are being asked to pre-book their meal choice when they arrive in school in the morning. The current menu will be sent home to families so you have the opportunity to discuss meal choices with the children before school.

  • Covid-19 Absence Guide

    Sat 12 Sep 2020
    Please visit the Covid-19 section of our website. Here you will find a document to support you in your decision making when keeping a child off from school. It supports you with what symptoms mean and what processes you can follow. This has been provided by our LEA.  
  • A busy week back!

    Thu 10 Sep 2020
    As all classes have returned full time, the children have enjoyed immersing themselves in their learning and it’s fabulous being back together. 
  • A letter from the LEA

    Tue 01 Sep 2020

    26 August 2020

    Dear parent/carer,
    Our city’s schools will next week re-open to all pupils and we are looking forward to welcoming your child/children back and helping them to continue with their education. In Coventry we are fortunate to have wonderful schools, with excellent and dedicated teachers and staff and we believe that all children need to return to lessons, not only so they can continue their education, but also for their own mental and physical wellbeing.
    This is as important for young children starting school and learning to play with others, as it is for our older students who are facing critical years where their hard work and exams will help them build the careers they want and deserve. If we all work together, we can make sure our children are able to return to a more normal way of life, continue their education and be reunited with friends in a setting that is as safe as possible.


    Thank you all for your support so far in helping our city combat COVID-19 and for all youhave done to support our schools  during your child’s/children’s education.

    These are, of course, very difficult and worrying times for us all – children, parents/carers, and our school staff – and we would like to reassure you that every measure has been taken to make sure our schools are as safe as possible and that all Government
    guidance has been followed. Nurseries, childminders, schools and colleges have undertaken their own health and
    safety risk assessments and have put in place increased health, safety and hygiene measures.

    The arrangements each school makes will be different because no school is the same and plans will differ based on size and layout, the number of pupils, teachers etc. Schools may have staggered starts, finishes, different lunch and break time
    arrangements, new hygiene routines and changes to timetables.
    What they will all have in common is that they are following the latest advice and guidance to keep everyone safe.
    Also, Public Health and the City Council have created clear detailed plans that cover a variety of issues, such as what to do if individual children display symptoms or if there is
    an outbreak within a local community or across the city.
    These plans follow DfE guidance and are designed to put the safety of children and staff at the heart of everything we do. As a parent or carer, you can also help make our education settings safe by:
    Not sending your child to their nursery, childminder, school or college if they are showing coronavirus symptoms or someone within the household is showing symptoms
    Arranging a test if you or your child develops symptoms and informing the nursery, childminder, school or college of the result
    Ensuring children know how to wash hands, make space and minimise contact
    Minimising mixing with other people/children.

    Public Health Services will also be working with schools and will notify head teachers if it becomes aware of any positive test results that affect a school. We would like to reassure you that we are working closely together in the city, and with
    regional and national organisations to make sure that all safety measures are in place and known by all staff.
    We will continue to monitor guidance closely and make alterations where necessary, and we will keep you informed.
    If you would like any more help and advice around COVID-19, there is
    specific guidance for the return to school in the autumn term. If your child is anxious in any way, or if you have any concerns, we encourage you to speak to your school, which will work with you to ease those anxieties and enable your
    child to return successfully. We look forward to welcoming our young people back to lessons and to another great year for our city’s schools.

    Yours sincerely,

    Kirston Nelson
    Director of Education & Skills
    Liz Gaulton
    Director of Public Health and Wellbeing

  • Back to school staggered start times

    Tue 01 Sep 2020

    Dear Parents

    We hope you are well and have enjoyed some relaxing family time together over the summer.

    We are looking forward to welcoming the children back to school over the next few days but recognise that things may look and feel a little different. There are many new routines and lots to remember, so we thought it might be helpful to email you again with some of the key information.

    As you are aware we will be welcoming back half of the children on Wednesday and half of each class on Thursday, before all of the children return on Friday (The groups were decided alphabetically for each class - you will have received an email at the end of term with this information.)

    In line with government advice to minimise the contact children have, they will be learning and playing in year group bubbles and as such, the start and end of the day will be staggered:

    Year group:

    Start of the day:

    End of the day:

    Year 1



    Year 2



    Year 3



    Year 4



    Year 5



    Year 6




    Please try to arrive at these designated times to help limit the adults and children on the school site.

    On entry to their classrooms in the morning and at regular times throughout the school day, each child will be asked to wash their hands. Children and staff will also have access to hand sanitiser throughout the school day.

    As the children will not be using their cloakrooms/ lockers at the start of the school year, we would like to request that the children only bring their coat, lunch bag, water bottle and reading book to school. They will be storing their coats on the back of their chair and all other equipment in their classrooms, so it is important that we keep these areas as clutter free as possible.

    The children will be bringing home their books from last year on their first day in school, so sending a spare bag in their coat pocket may be helpful.

    These new routines will be under constant review and as such, we would like to thank you for your patience over the next few weeks.

    Best wishes

    Mrs Forde



Earlsdon Primary School Values

  • A culture is strong when people work with each other, not for themselves. Simon Sinek
  • In diversity there is beauty and there is strength. Maya Angelou
  • Come to the edge. We might fall. Come to the edge. It's too high! Come to the edge. And they came, and he pushed, and they flew. Christopher Iogne
  • Resilience comes from the Latin word 'resalire', which means springing back.
  • You cannot get through a single day without having an impact on the world around you. What you do makes a difference and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make. Jane Goodall