Thursday 16th May is our next PTA meeting. Please visit our PTA page to find information on how to contact our PTA if you wish to attend, all are welcome.
Home Page

Earlsdon Primary School

This is where you will find all of the information that will keep you up to date with our latest events!

  • Tent competition - we need your help!

    Fri 28 May 2021

    Our Year 6 children have entered a competition to win a tent for our school. With their continued work on peace, the children have designed a tent, which has been shortlisted! We would love to win it, we would be able to use it for various events. 


    However, now it is down to you and our local community to help us! The Gala Tent page have set up their competition on Facebook and the more likes our picture gets the more chance we have to win! 


    Please visit our PTA page for the competition entry - you will notice our school has been written as ' Earlsden' ,but it is still us!

    Thank you. 

  • Year 6 Peace Pole Winners!

    Fri 28 May 2021

    Well done to our Year 6 children and especially Libby! Our school entry for the Rotary Peace Garden was chosen as a winner in the Peace Garden competition. 


    "The judges felt that we met all the criteria and that there were some interesting features, which gave a thoughtful insight to Peace."


    Our Peace Pole will be delivering in a few weeks with eight languages of our choice on it. 



  • Track and Trace over half term

    Fri 28 May 2021

    To support contact tracing, it is important that families continue to inform school of any positive coronavirus tests over the holiday so we can carry out a risk assessment and inform children and adults who have been in close contact.  We would like to ask that parents email school using throughout the half term holiday period.


    Please include this information in your email: Child's name and class, the date when their symptoms began, the date they had the COVID test, the last day they were in school, if and when they attended breakfast or after school club in the week beginning 24th May and if they have music lessons the instrument they learn. Thank you


  • Six4Schools

    Fri 28 May 2021

    We are delighted to inform parents that we have signed up for a new initiative to support families to see live cricket called Six4Schools introduced by the Birmingham Bears. The scheme gives families the opportunity to access Birmingham Bears T20 games at Edgbaston over the next few months for a reduced fee. Along with this, for every ticket bought our school will benefit with a monetary refund to be used in a way the school deems appropriate. Please look out for the separate letter with more information– we hope you will be able to take advantage of this offer and head to Edgbaston this summer to enjoy watching some cricket.



  • P.E Timetable for Summer 2

    Fri 28 May 2021

    The P.E timetable for next half term is listed below:


    Tuesday:        Reception and Year 2

    Wednesday:  Year 6 and  Year 4

    Thursday:      Year 3 and Year 1

    Friday:            Year 5


    We would like to request that the children continue to come to school wearing their P.E kits and that their P.E clothes continue to be in the school colours. This includes navy/ black / grey jogging bottoms, leggings or shorts, a plain white / navy t-shirt and either a school sweatshirt / cardigan or a plain navy/ black/ grey hoodie.


    We are starting to see children wearing bright t-shirts and sweatshirts as well as sports clothing with large logos, and would like to ask that children continue to come to school in P.E kit in the school colours. Thank you.


    To support their transition into Year 1, the Reception children will be having short P.E sessions with Mr Gascoigne next half term, starting on Tuesday 15th June. The children do not need to wear a P.E kit (but they will need one for September). The Reception children will be working in small groups and will be able to access the games and sports activities safely wearing their school uniform and school shoes.



  • Lunch Menu

    Fri 28 May 2021

    We are pleased to inform you that the new three week menu starts after the half term holiday.


    In addition we would like to ask parents to kindly  refrain from putting nut products (including Nutella) into their children’s lunchboxes, as there are several children in school who have nut allergies. Thank you for your support


  • Royal Celebrations

    Fri 28 May 2021

    We are thrilled that two of our children (Ruby and Ivy) had the opportunity to meet HRH Prince Charles and The Duchess of Cornwall during their visit to Coventry Cathedral earlier this week. What a memorable day they must have had– well done girls!


  • MY-CATS project at Earlsdon

    Wed 26 May 2021

    MY-CATS- Minimising Young Children's Anxiety Through Schools


    Our school is working with a team of researchers at the University of Oxford on a research project called MY-CATS. The MY-CATS team are testing out a new way of identifying and supporting young children who might benefit from help to build confidence and reduce the chance of problems with anxiety, now and in the future.


    We are inviting all parents/carers of children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 classes to take part.


    We would love it if all families in these participating classes got involved! As this project is to help reduce problems with fears and worries now and in the future, your child does not need to be experiencing difficulties with anxiety to take part.


    We’ve attached more information about the project, and you can watch a short video about the project here:

    MYCATS video


    You can also watch a longer, more detailed video about the project here:

    MYCATS parent information session


    If you would like to take part, please follow the link below to complete the consent form. When clicking on the link to the parent consent, make sure that you proceed to page 2 in order to provide us with your contact details:

    MYCATS parent consent and contact details


    You will then receive an email with a link to the screening questionnaires.


    Please complete the consent and screening questionnaires by 13th June 2021. We ask one parent/carer to complete the consent and questionnaires for a child. If you have more than one child across the participating classes, you can complete the consent and screening questionnaires for each child.


    Any questions please contact Miss Higgs via school office.


  • Reception Spacescapes

    Mon 24 May 2021

    Reception Spacescapes made using various methods and media- mixing paint with sand, printing with bubbblewrap and chalk effects. 

  • Earsdon Govening Body

    Mon 24 May 2021

    We need your help to recruit two new governors! We are very fortunate to be supported and challenged by a very dedicated, knowledgeable and skilled Governing Board which currently includes six parent governors. The Governing Board has two co-opted governor vacancies and they are hoping to recruit two new governors from our local community. Co-opted governors are people who in the opinion of the Governing Board have the skills required to contribute to the effective governance and success of the school. At this time the Governing Board would particularly (but not exclusively) welcome someone with experience in health and safety or building surveying and someone to represent the
    BAME community. Interested volunteers will be co-opted on to the board by the Governing body rather than through an election ,as is the case with parents governors. We are not currently looking to elect parent governors but instead are hoping that parents will help us to recruit two new co-opted members.

    Please encourage any friends, neighbours, local businesses or community members to support our school by becoming part of our Governing Board. Governors are asked to attend one meeting each half term and can get involved with a variety of other activities and projects within school if they feel able. Please email the school with the details of anyone that you know who would be interested in joining our Governing Board– thank
    you for your support. 

Earlsdon Primary School Values

  • A culture is strong when people work with each other, not for themselves. Simon Sinek
  • In diversity there is beauty and there is strength. Maya Angelou
  • Come to the edge. We might fall. Come to the edge. It's too high! Come to the edge. And they came, and he pushed, and they flew. Christopher Iogne
  • Resilience comes from the Latin word 'resalire', which means springing back.
  • You cannot get through a single day without having an impact on the world around you. What you do makes a difference and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make. Jane Goodall