School will be closed for February half term from Monday 17th- Friday 21st February. School reopens at 8.40am on Monday 24th February 2025.
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Earlsdon Primary School


Good afternoon


We have had a fantastic year in school and are very proud of everything that the children have achieved. We have been impressed with the progress the children have made both academically and personally and how they have embraced the additional activities and enrichment events that have been planned. We are also delighted with the children's behaviour and their conduct around school and are looking forward to building on all of these skills and attributes in the new academic year.

Thank you for your feedback in our recent parent questionnaire- it was lovely to learn about the many things that you and your children enjoy about our school and for your suggestions on areas for further development- these will be used to further support our school improvement planning.

We are saying farewell to our Year 6 children- the Class of 2024!

The children confidently performed a creative and entertaining Leaver’s Assembly on Tuesday this week and it was wonderful to see them shine and to hear their reflections on their time at our school. They are very talented, resilient, resourceful and enthusiastic- we are thrilled with the progress and personal development they have made during their journey through Earlsdon Primary. We will miss every one of them but know that they are moving on to brilliant secondary schools where they will flourish and embrace new opportunities. Good luck Year 6 and thank you for the wonderful memories you have left with us.

Active Learning

We aim to give the children as many opportunities as possible to be outdoors at break time and lunch time as well as at Spencer Park and at the community allotment. This will mean that children (and staff) will be outside in most weather conditions, unless it is unsafe or exceptionally wet and cold. To ensure that the children are comfortable with this, please could you make sure that your child has a waterproof coat, all weather shoes and a scarf/gloves/hat. These will help your child to stay warm and dry, even if there is a light rain shower. Thank you for your support with this.

School uniform

We recognise that many parents use the summer holiday to sort out school uniform for their children and as such we wanted to remind you of our uniform policy:

  • ·      Navy sweatshirt or cardigan
  • ·      White polo shirt
  • ·      Black/ grey trousers or skirt
  • ·      Plain grey, black or white socks. Plain grey, black, navy or white tights.

       Please take some time to clearly label your son/ daughter's school uniform so that any lost property can be returned to it's owner.

The PTA will be holding another preloved uniform sale in the Autumn term- more information will follow in September.

In addition, we would welcome donations of pants, socks and tights (all sizes) for our spare clothes collection. Please remember us if your child has outgrown these items, as we can always make use of them in school. Thank you.

School shoes

Please ensure that the children wear plain black school shoes without coloured soles, logos or sports markings.

We recognise that many children prefer to wear school shoes that resemble a trainer, but these should not have any coloured logos or stripes. Thank you for your support with this.

P.E kits

The children in Year 1 - Year 6 will need to have a school P.E kit. The outdoor P.E days for the Autumn term are:

Monday           Year 4

Tuesday          Year 6

Wednesday     Year 1 and Year 2

Thursday         Year 5

Friday               Year 3

 To try to keep costs to a minimum and to support our school uniform policy, the school P.E kit follows the uniform colours and the only logo that the children should be wearing is our school logo- please do not buy items with sports logos, stripes or prints.

The children should not wear football kits to school.

Thank you for your support in providing:

  • ·        Plain navy or black shorts / plain navy or black leggings or jogging bottoms for the colder months
  • ·         Plain white t-shirt or plain white polo shirt, or a white polo shirt or white t-shirt with our school logo
  • ·         Plain navy hoodie or a navy school sweatshirt / cardigan with our logo.

Welcome to the new year group - September meetings

Class teachers in Year 1 - Year 6 will be holding welcome meetings for parents to introduce themselves and to explain some routines and curriculum information to parents. These meetings will be held using Microsoft Teams and invites will be sent out at the beginning of the new school year.

The dates of year group meeting are listed below.


Year 1 Tuesday 10th September at 3.45pm

Year 2 Monday 9th September at 3.45pm

Year 3 Thursday 12th September at 3.45pm  

Year 4 Thursday 12th September at 3.45pm

Year 5  Wednesday 11th September at 3.45pm

Year 6 Wednesday 11th September at 3.45pm


Routines at the beginning and end of the school day

·     The children in Year 1- Year 6 will enter school in the morning through the side door by the sensory garden.

·    The side gate will open at 8.40am and a member of staff will welcome the children into school between 8.40-8.55am.

·    Registers and lunch orders will be taken, and the children will complete early morning learning tasks between 8.40-8.55am.

·    All children should be in school between 8.40am and 8.55am.

·    The side gate will close at 8.55am. If a child arrives after this they will need to be signed into school through the main reception.

·    At the end of the school day the children in Year 1- Year 5 will be waiting on the playground at 3.15pm to be collected. 

·    The Year 6 children will leave school at 3.15pm and will be escorted to the end of the school drive where they can meet their adult or walk home if this has been agreed by parents.

We would like to request that parents continue to follow the one way system around school in the morning and at the end of the day, to ease congestion on the school site. This also means that the gates can be closed promptly, allowing the children in after school clubs to safely use the outdoor space.

 When the new Reception children start school they will enter and leave school through their outdoor classroom by the school canteen.

Routines for children attending Breakfast and After School club will remain the same- the children should be dropped off and collected from the school gate in the car park side of the building.

Mid morning snacks

The children in Reception - Year 2 benefit from having access to fresh fruit in school each day thanks to the government funded 'Fruit in School' scheme; there is no need for parents to provide a snack for the children.

If your son/ daughter will be in Year 3- Year 6 and you would like to provide a mid morning snack for them to eat at playtime, please ensure that this is a healthy option e.g. a piece of fruit or a fruit bar, rather than crisps or biscuits.

Please remember that we are a nut free school so we would ask that children do not have Nutella products or nutty cereal bars for their morning snack or packed lunch. Thank you for your support.

Returning to school in September

The first day back to school for the children is Wednesday 4th September.

On this day we would like the children to meet on the playground for 8.50am so their class teacher can escort them into school.

And finally...

Thank you for all of your parental support this year. Thank you for supporting the children with their learning, for helping us to encourage their independence and also for supporting all of our enrichment activities during this academic year.

We hope that you all have a relaxing holiday and enjoy some special family time and some sunshine!


With kind regards


Mrs Forde and all of the staff team

Earlsdon Primary School Values

  • A culture is strong when people work with each other, not for themselves. Simon Sinek
  • In diversity there is beauty and there is strength. Maya Angelou
  • Come to the edge. We might fall. Come to the edge. It's too high! Come to the edge. And they came, and he pushed, and they flew. Christopher Iogne
  • Resilience comes from the Latin word 'resalire', which means springing back.
  • You cannot get through a single day without having an impact on the world around you. What you do makes a difference and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make. Jane Goodall