Monday 6th May is a Bank Holiday! School will be closed and will reopen on Tuesday 7th May. Please join us between 10am and 3pm on 6th May for a 'Festival of Sport' on the playground!
Home Page

Earlsdon Primary School

This is where you will find all of the information that will keep you up to date with our latest events!

  • New Covid tab on the website

    Wed 27 May 2020

    Please notice the new tab that has appeared on the school website. You will notice a Covid-19 tab on the parents drop down menu. Here you will find example photographs of socially distanced classrooms, guidance and regular updated information. 



  • Recent letter from Mrs Forde

    Wed 27 May 2020

    Dear Parents/Carers


    Thank you for your patience as we continue to plan to welcome back more children from Reception, Year 1 and Year 6 as well as more vulnerable children and children of critical workers.

    We are working hard to make sure that the school environment is a welcoming and safe place for pupils to return to and that the nurture, care and wellbeing of children is at the heart of what we do. This has proved to be an enormous task logistically, incorporating all the daily DfE guidance documents into our planning, many of which have only come out recently. To this end, despite working relentlessly since the Prime Ministers statement about primary schools reopening, we will not be in a position to start this face to face contact on 1st June. During the week commencing 1st June we will be welcoming more vulnerable children and children of critical workers into school and helping them to settle and adjust to the new school routines and classroom environments.

    When we are told it is safe to do so and all the appropriate adjustments are in place, we will be implementing a phased return timetable starting with the Reception children.


    When groups/year groups return to school

    To support social distancing and minimise the amount of adults on site, we ask that only one parent/ carer drops their child off each day. We will also be introducing staggered start/ ends to the school day. You will receive further information about dates and times as part of the phased return.

    It is important that you adhere to the timings specified to your child as we will be working hard to ensure that different groups arrive at different times, in order to follow social distancing guidance.


    As parents/ carers please make sure you are aware of others around you and that you maintain social distancing at all times. Please refrain from using the school office/ main reception area and either telephone or email school instead.


    Please can you talk through the following with your child, in advance of their potential return to school, to help this to be as safe and smooth transition as possible:


    • Hand-washing. At school, children will be washing their hands frequently and thoroughly with soap and running water.
    • Social distancing on the school site. Everyone on the school site will be very conscious about keeping a 2m social distance wherever possible – within classrooms, other rooms and buildings, corridors and outside. We will be putting up posters, marking the floor areas with tape and stickers and other visual reminders of this.
    • Classrooms.  Chairs, desks and other items in classrooms will be moved and adapted to enable social distancing wherever possible.
    • Equipment. We’ll be making sure that children don’t share equipment with each other – including pencils, pens, books etc.
    • Playtimes/breaks. It will be a change for children to not be playing in close contact with each other. We will talk to the children about this and ways to have creative playtimes/breaks that keep a social distance. The children will be playing with the children from their learning group at playtime and lunchtime.
    • Lunches. School will make sure children are socially distanced at lunch times- they will stay in their learning groups. Equipment for lunchtime will be carefully cleaned and children must not mix cutlery, or share/swap food.
    • Following instructions from school staff. In order for everyone to stay safe, it is essential that all children carefully follow instructions from school staff on everything mentioned above and the way that our school will operate for the rest of this half term.


    Home learning

    We will continue to post our weekly home learning plans on the school website and this will form the basis of the provision for the children who are attending school.


    School uniform

    We expect children to wear uniform but understand that they may have grown in the last couple of months. Although we still intend to take children outside for physical activity, they will not be using P.E or sports equipment and they will not be getting changed into their P.E kits. Instead, we ask that children come to school in their school shoes (if they still fit) or trainers, so they have appropriate footwear.



    We have added a new tab to our website entitled COVID-19 guidance. We will use this section to keep you up to date with useful information.


    Thank you for your help with this as we all play our part in preparing for the wider opening of school. As soon as we have been advised it is safe to open school to more children and have completed our own local evaluations, we will be writing to you to confirm dates and arrangements.


    With best wishes,





    Mrs R Forde







  • The Twits on J2E

    Wed 27 May 2020
    We are spoiling you this half term - there is another one, enjoy! 
  • The Twits on J2E

    Tue 26 May 2020
    Visit our J2E page and you will find chapter 17! Enjoy 
  • A letter from our LEA

    Tue 26 May 2020

    Dear Parent/ Carer,


    I hope that you and your families are safe and well. Coventry City Council would like to thank you for all of your support for schools and childcare providers during these challenging times, it is much appreciated.

    Following the recent announcements from the Government around schools re-opening, I want to reassure you and provide some clarity, so that we are able to work together as we move forward. We are aware that many of you will be extremely concerned and will hear a lot of discussion and different opinions around this. Whilst we know how very important education is to you and your families, we are also aware that the safety and welfare of your children is paramount. So, we recognise the need for children to be back in school, yet we need to ensure that they are not put at increased risk of COVID-19 at this time.

    The council has always worked in partnership with all city schools for the benefit of all our children and we have been working closely with them since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. As a consequence of this partnership and support we provide each other, most of our schools have remained open since lockdown was announced in March – even opening during the Easter holidays – to provide a service for some of the children, as the Government requested.


    We are approaching the Government request to open schools for some year groups next month in exactly the same way.


    Working with head teachers, governors and local unions, we are clear we cannot work towards a specific date to return for every school. What is important, is that our young people will be encouraged back into their school when it is ready to do so, in line with locally agreed principles and against the national tests set by Government. However, we are clear that schools will only do this when they have assessed it is the right time to do so, even if this isn’t the immediate date the Government has announced.


    Following Department for Education guidelines, which are strongly encouraging parents/carers to send children in the identified year groups back into school when the Government announce it is safe to do so, schools in the city will have already contacted you to understand the potential number of children who will want a place.


    Once this process is complete, schools will contact you again to let you know when your child can return to school. This is complex, so it is unlikely that all schools will be able to reopen to all of the year groups proposed at the same time, but they will not be able to confirm this until all of the preparation work is complete.


    We would like to assure you that we will continue to do our utmost to serve your children diligently and responsibly. Many of us are parents ourselves and we understand the level of concern and uncertainty that so many of you must be feeling.




    Kind regards


                                                                                                     Kevin Maton 


    Kirston Nelson                                                                                                                        Cllr. Kevin Maton

    Director of Education and Skills                                                                 Lead Member – Education and Skills

  • Gallery

    Wed 20 May 2020

    We know how hard you have been working at home and we know that it is strange doing school work at home and not at school. We want to tell you how proud we are of you and the hard work that you and your family have been putting into your home learning. The hard work, effort and energy is wonderful. Keep working hard, we think that you are wonderful! 


    If you haven't visited our gallery page recently, pop along and see what some other children have been up to.

  • J2E Update

    Wed 20 May 2020

    J2E Tips 
    You might have noticed a new icon on your J2E Dashboard – J2Message. 

    This is a brand new tool that lets you securely send a short message (a bit like a text message!) you would like your teacher or class to see.  

    It’s a good way of letting everyone know what you have been up to. 

    If your teacher adds a message, you will get a pop up when you login to tell you. 

    All messages are recorded and can be seen by teachers - please make sure that we remember to use kindness and respect when writing.

  • Make HISTORY with the worlds biggest online art lesson!

    Wed 20 May 2020
    This looks like fun - be part of something exciting!
  • The Twits on J2E

    Tue 19 May 2020
    Please visit J2E to see the next chapter of The Twits. Year 1 children you should know this familiar face. 
  • Mental Health Awareness Week

    Tue 19 May 2020

    This week is Mental Health Awareness Week, this is a video provided by Newsround with the key message of kindness. 



Earlsdon Primary School Values

  • A culture is strong when people work with each other, not for themselves. Simon Sinek
  • In diversity there is beauty and there is strength. Maya Angelou
  • Come to the edge. We might fall. Come to the edge. It's too high! Come to the edge. And they came, and he pushed, and they flew. Christopher Iogne
  • Resilience comes from the Latin word 'resalire', which means springing back.
  • You cannot get through a single day without having an impact on the world around you. What you do makes a difference and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make. Jane Goodall