Monday 6th May is a Bank Holiday! School will be closed and will reopen on Tuesday 7th May. Please join us between 10am and 3pm on 6th May for a 'Festival of Sport' on the playground!
Home Page

Earlsdon Primary School

This is where you will find all of the information that will keep you up to date with our latest events!

  • A letter from Mrs Forde

    Sun 28 Jun 2020

    Dear Parents/ Carers


    We hope you are continuing to keep well and have managed to find some time to enjoy the sunshine this week.


    Home Learning

    We recognise that parents are facing many challenges at the minute and that it is very difficult to manage work commitments alongside home learning for your child/ children (school staff are finding this challenging too). It must also be frustrating that some children are in school whilst your child/ children remains at home. 

    These are very challenging times for everyone and we appreciate the feedback that parents have provided over recent weeks.

    We are trying to address some of the suggestions and move forward in a way that recognises the needs of as many children and families as possible, whilst also working with the constraints that we are currently experiencing e.g. lack of appropriate computer hardware in school (and at home for some families), no 'hands on' technical support etc.

    On considering all options currently available to us, we will be making some changes to home learning over the next few weeks. For example you will notice some additional activities this week, a new home learning plan from next week with an increased focus on the use of video lessons and some opportunities to access live sessions with a member of staff.


    PSHE focus

    This week’s home learning includes a PSHE activity plan and a reflection PowerPoint. PSHE stands for Personal, Social, Health and Economic education and is an important part of your child's national curriculum learning linked to their ongoing wellbeing. Over the next few weeks and as we move into the new school year, we will be focusing on continuing to develop your child’s social and emotional development through our PSHE curriculum. We will be planning learning, activities and times for reflection that support children in building their own values toolkit that they will be able to  draw upon as they meet new, exciting and challenging situations both at home and school.


    Some of the resources are internet based and can be accessed through YouTube. To get the best out of them, we advise that you watch the films before your child, so that you are aware of the themes and questions that might arise.  Also, as YouTube can sometimes show video stills of links to other websites, please ensure that your child is viewing them with an adult or in line with your online safety measures at home, so that they don’t click on anything you would not what them to view. 


    Virtual Sports Day

    Due to the current circumstances  we will be unable to take part in a school Sports Day this year; but we are pleased to inform you that Mr. Gascoyne has invented ‘The Earlsdon Primary School Virtual Sports Day’On the class pages you will find instructions for the activities and a sheet for the children to record their scores. These activities require some assistance from an adult but please feel free to try them alongside your child!

    The activities can be completed on one specific day but could also be undertaken on separate days throughout the week. When your child has completed the activities, they can fill in their scores on the sheet provided. It would be great if you could take some photos of your child doing the activities and return them to teachers using our J2E platform – or even using the class message facility on J2E as the children could discuss scores and successes with each other!

    We hope you can find time to have a go at the activities and make ‘Earlsdon Primary Virtual Sports Day’ a success.


    We hope you have a relaxing weekend.

    With best wishes,

    Mrs Forde

  • Mrs Dooley reads The Twits

    Sun 28 Jun 2020
    It is the penultimate chapter - but who will read the final one? 
  • Mr Webb reads The Twits

    Wed 24 Jun 2020
    We have almost finished our book - Mr Webb reads this chapter. Pop along to J2E to watch. 
  • Maths website

    Mon 22 Jun 2020

    This is an interactive website, suitable for a range of ages. Interactive games from counting to 5 to telling the time. 


  • Children at School

    Mon 22 Jun 2020
    If your child is currently attending school, please can we remind you to ensure that they have a sun hat and drink with them during this hot weather, it would also be helpful to have had sun cream applied. We are set to have a couple of hot days ahead of us. 
  • From Mrs Forde

    Fri 19 Jun 2020

    Dear Parents/Carers,


    We hope that you are well and have managed to keep your child/children happy and settled this week despite the very wet weather.

    It is hard to believe that three months have passed since we have seen most of you and the children. We are thinking of you all and are hoping that you are keeping happy and healthy.


    Home learning

    We are very impressed with all of the children's efforts with their home learning and want to thank you for your support with this. We recognise that that some families are requesting more activities and that some families are finding a range of different activities at home for their children to complete. We hope that you have found and will continue to find the plans and ideas helpful, but also recognise that one size does not fit all children as everyone's circumstances are different. We also appreciate that it is very difficult to keep the momentum going - many of the staff appreciate this as parents themselves. The home learning plans for next week are available on the website. Please access them in the way that suits your family's circumstance at the moment - you know your child and it is important that we all consider and look after our emotional well being during these challenging times. 


    School update

    Staff continue to be incredibly flexible and work hard to meet the needs of changing groups of children in school, whilst continuing to support the children who remain at home. The reception children are settling well into very different routines and getting used to a different environment and new staff. We have been very impressed with how they have adapted to these changes. This is also true of the children from the other priority groups as they have adjusted to a new environment and also short periods of time in a small space on the playground during morning play and lunchtime. We are now planning to welcome back small groups of year 1 children from 29th June and from 6th July small groups of year 6 children to support them with their transition to secondary school. Unfortunately due to the large numbers of children already in school, we are currently unable to offer the year 1 and year 6 children full time places. 


    End of year reports

    The children's end of year reports are almost complete and we are beginning to consider how they will be sent home and how we will be sharing information for September with you and the children. We will be in touch again to provide an update over the next few weeks.


    Thank you once again for your continued support.


    Best wishes,


    Mrs Forde

  • Year 5 Dol'y'Moch information

    Fri 19 Jun 2020

    Please visit the Year 5 Class Page to find information about their trip to Dol'y'Moch 2020. 





  • Gallery

    Wed 17 Jun 2020

    Pop along to the gallery page on our website - here you might spot some photos taken of the children and their learning in school or children and their learning at home. 


    We are so proud of all of our children both at home and school and the hard work that they are continuing to do during this unusual time! Well done to you all. 

  • J2E The Twits

    Wed 17 Jun 2020
    Mr G is live with his chapter on J2E. Happy listening. 
  • Cosmic Yoga - The Twits

    Wed 17 Jun 2020

    Fancy something a little different - Cosmic Yoga is a super little website and this link is linked to The Twits. 


Earlsdon Primary School Values

  • A culture is strong when people work with each other, not for themselves. Simon Sinek
  • In diversity there is beauty and there is strength. Maya Angelou
  • Come to the edge. We might fall. Come to the edge. It's too high! Come to the edge. And they came, and he pushed, and they flew. Christopher Iogne
  • Resilience comes from the Latin word 'resalire', which means springing back.
  • You cannot get through a single day without having an impact on the world around you. What you do makes a difference and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make. Jane Goodall